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Showing posts from May, 2018

New Start

Summer is just around the corner, school has finished, and I have a new found interest in typing. What that means is that I want to start writing on this blog again, and that is why I am typing this. I have no idea what to talk about today, since nothing is really happening. I mean I could talk about my grades, but at that point I would just be flexing. I'm really struggling. All I want to do is type but I have no idea what to type about. I should probably look on Google to see topics people usually write about on blogs, but then I would be reading instead of writing and I don't really feel like doing that. Ooh I know what I can talk about. It follows what I just wrote about reading. So in English class, their is this thing teachers make you do call reading. I usually don't do it because the books are usually very boring, and because Spark Notes is a thing. Shout out to Spark Notes, even though they would never sponsor me. I mean, I would be lucky if this article got on