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New Start

Summer is just around the corner, school has finished, and I have a new found interest in typing. What that means is that I want to start writing on this blog again, and that is why I am typing this.

I have no idea what to talk about today, since nothing is really happening. I mean I could talk about my grades, but at that point I would just be flexing. I'm really struggling. All I want to do is type but I have no idea what to type about. I should probably look on Google to see topics people usually write about on blogs, but then I would be reading instead of writing and I don't really feel like doing that. Ooh I know what I can talk about. It follows what I just wrote about reading.

So in English class, their is this thing teachers make you do call reading. I usually don't do it because the books are usually very boring, and because Spark Notes is a thing. Shout out to Spark Notes, even though they would never sponsor me. I mean, I would be lucky if this article got one real read. But anyways, on to the story part. So, if you already forgot, 1-2 sentences ago I said I didn't read.

It stems back to 5th grade where I was supposed to read the Hobbit over spring break, but completely forgot, so I watched the movies. By movies I only mean I watched the second one, which barely follows the book, I think. I wouldn't know, I didn't read it. It's the day before the project is due, I have no idea what happened in the book, plus I have like 2 hours to do the project before I had to go to sleep. By some miracle, I was able to complete it. By complete it, I printed off pictures off the characters from the movie, and glued it on a poster board. I probably didn't even have 10 words on the board, so I thought I was screwed.

The due date finally. Ohh, I missed a very important part of this story. This is why I don't usually tell stories, but in this story you were supposed to either do a book report or a project. For me, I really only had one option, since you know. The project was just you standing up in front of the class and talking about your book. Only two people, including me did the project. The other guy, who went before me seemed like he had a real enjoyment for his book. I think it was The Bridge to Terrabitihia or something like that. Don't quote me though. Right after he went up, I had to go up since I was the only other person. I went up, and lets just say I bullshitted my way through it.

I talked about my favorite chapters, which were all in the middle, since that's when the movie took place. I also talked about my favorite characters, but with the small research I did, I figured out my favorite character wasn't even in the book. I talked about a whole bunch of things, except for the plot. Again obvious reasons, and then I say down. Class went on as expected. I don't remember if we got the grades the day of, or later since it was more than five years ago, but I do remember getting full points on it, while the other guy got a C or B. Don't remember exactly but I did get a higher grade than him.

From that point forward, I had a new look on English class. The whole reading part became optional to me. I did end up reading the book if I liked the teacher, or if we had time in class to read, but if those requirements were not met, then there is 90% chance I won't read the book.

I feel bad, but I'm not going to edit this. Instead I'm going to continue typing, at least for a little bit. So I doubt anyone was reading my blogs when I started, but if you did the I want you to know that I deleted all of my blogs before this one because I seemed very edgy when I wrote them. Especially the one where I compared introverts and extroverts. Dark times. I probably should have kept some of them, like the minimum wage one, but that doesn't matter. With summer comes a new start, and I've decided to become semi-consistent with publishes, with the exception of when I'm on vacation. Until then, I'm a new man. Enlightened. Anyways, I want to do stuff now, so I'm going to end with a bye.
